Monday, December 8, 2008

The sweetest description...

I just read this on Brandon's myspace profile. It brought tears to my eyes, hearing his version of our life.. I'll quote it for you.

"It is hard to believe but it has almost been 1 year since we bought our house. It is also tough to believe that it has almost been 2 years since I said "You better not come home with a puppy...I won't be mad if you do though.." On Sweetest Day 2008, Les and I took a train to Chicago to spend the day, we walked down Navy Pier then grabbed some lunch at Geno's East. I had never really had Chicago style pizza, so I was pretty excited to try it. Im not sure if it was because I was really nervous or if maybe I was really trying to impress her with my eating skills, but at lunch that day I demonstrated a Top 5 performance in the "Most Pizza Ever Eaten by a Human" category. Pretty good stuff I'd say. After lunch we walked around a bit more, I had brought the camera so I was taking pictures, Les was doing some shopping. In the past few months talks of marriage had started to freely work their way into the conversations on both ends, but nothing too serious. Until that day. Resting on a bench at the base of the Hancock Building, with little girls clutching their American Girl dolls and toursits from all over racing by, we had a pretty serious talk about marriage. Neither of us really remember what was said, but there were no "down on one knee" tricks and no scoreboard antics. What we do know, is that somewhere during that conversation I did ask her to marry me and we came out of that talk ready to marry one another. It was really perfect for us and At that point in time nothing else mattered but her and I. Oh and the ring. Let me know if you would like to hear more of this story. "

I think this is the best description of our life the past 3 years.. Really neat things have happened and I cant wait for many more!
Love you BT!